RISE Student Ministry

RISE Student Ministry is comprised of the students and families attending Glenwood Church of Christ in Tyler, Texas. We hope to be more than your average church youth group. We exist with the purpose to help students and families RISE up in a fallen world. Today, students and families live, study, and work amidst a fallen world. This world is full of broken promises, lost identity, and fractured relationships. This is not what God intended for us. We are meant to RISE out of the brokenness around us and live an abundant life.

We exist with the purpose to help students and families RISE up in a fallen world.

RISE Student Ministry exists to partner with students and families as we discover the redemptive healing of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everything we do is intended to assist in this God-given redemption.


What We Do

We believe God’s mission is so important that we have developed a clear strategy for carrying it out. Through our worship, unique classes, camps, and more we provide a place to Encounter God together and Renew our minds. We provide opportunities to Connect with other students and families through especially designed events, trips and small groups. Finally we offer multiple opportunities for our students and families to Serve each other, this community, and the world.

What We Value

Values are the motivational flame of the church and student ministry is no different. Values are the shared convictions that guide actions and reveal our strengths. Values answer the question, “Why do we do what we do?” They are the springboards for daily action and filters for decision making. Values, in short, are our conscience. At RISE these values provide foundation for everything we do.

  • Truth that Challenges
  • Love that Reaches
  • Faith that Transforms
  • Grace that Embraces
  • Life that Connects

A Larger Connection

As you begin to spend time around RISE, and consequently Glenwood Church of Christ, you will notice similarities. As a student ministry we do not wish to separate ourselves from the larger church. We have intentionally kept our vision, mission, values, and strategy linked to that of Glenwood Church of Christ. We pray that as our students grow up and graduate from RISE they will continue to live in community with God and Glenwood. We believe by keeping RISE a connected part of Glenwood our students will transition to their next phase in life with ease.